Meet Squamish Nation Elder's Centre member and Echo Show recipient, Anita. As a Coast Salish weaver, Anita tells us how her Echo Show is impacting her passion and how she continues to learn everyday.
Thanks to our partners Amazon, Bruyère, and Ride to Connect, for making this programming possible!

Cleopatra, a retired kindergarten teacher, tells us about her experience first as a participant, and then as a facilitator with the Mindful Mobility Program offered by Connected Canadians.
This program was funded in part by the New Horizons for Seniors Program, thank you to all of our volunteers and supporters!

Gordon Smith, former Canadian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, tells us why Connected Canadians' work is essential for true democracy, and how CC also allows Canadian seniors to stay in their own homes as they age.

Kendra, an Elder and co-founder of the Indigenous Knowledge Keepers and Elders Society tells us about life with Alexa.
Thanks to our partners Amazon, Bruyere, Ride to Connect, Morgan Jacko and IKKES for making this programming possible!

Shirley, a participant in a joint tablet lending program run by the Dementia Society of Ottawa & Renfrew and Connected Canadians, tells us about her experience with her mentor Qiuli and how the program helped improve the quality of life for her and her husband.
Thanks to our supporters for making this programming possible!

Hear about how our device donation program has made a difference in leZlie's life. Thank you to our partners at Bruyère, Ride to Connect and ODLAN for making this programming possible.

Doreen, a first-time author at the age of 73, tells us about her experience working with her Connected Canadians mentor, Catherine from the University of Ottawa, and how they worked together to find the best avenues to promote Doreen’s newly published book online.
Thanks to all our partners for making this programming possible.

For Ron, having access to a tablet and being shown how to use it has been a lifeline. Along with becoming more comfortable with new technology, Ron and his tech mentor Rouba made the learning process fun and easy.
Thank you to Ride to Connect and Bruyère for making this possible!

Ride to Connect Tablet Recipient Murray, from the Rainbow Resource Centre in Manitoba, tells us how the device and the support of the Connected Canadians team have made him feel more confident with technology!
Thanks to our partners Bruyere and Ride to Connect, as well as the Rainbow Resource Centre, for making this programming possible.

Kate, a 69-year-old retired researcher, artist and jazz drummer tells us about her experience learning Alexa with Connected Canadians mentor Emilia, and about life with Alexa.
Thanks to our partners Amazon, Bruyere and Ride to Connect for making this programming possible!
Thanks as well to Gerardo Frisina for the use of his song Bluesanova in this video.

Margaret Anne, at 81, tells us about her experience with her new Alexa, and how she learned to use Alexa with the support of a Connected Canadians mentor.
Thanks to our partners Amazon, Bruyere and Ride to Connect for making this programming possible!

Connected Canadians Client Lalitha, who is a patient from Bruyère Geriatric Day Hospital, tells us her story, and why something beautiful came out of her painful injury earlier this year.
Thanks to Ottawa Community Foundation and Ride to Connect for making our programming possible, as well as our partners at Bruyère!

Karen, an Intake Specialist at the Parkwood Institute / St. Joseph's Health Care London, tells us about how the Connected Canadians team helped her and her team support telehealth programs, allowing stroke rehabilitation patients to access much needed medical support virtually during COVID-19.

Sheila, a Connected Canadians client from Burnaby, British Colombia, shares her experience taking part in the Connecting through Art program.
Connecting through Art is a program created by Connected Canadians in partnership with the National Gallery of Canada.
Thanks to all of our supporters for making this programming possible.

Deloitte Canada joined our Workplace Volunteering Program in early 2021 and has impacted the lives of countless seniors. Alyssa and Mohiba share their experiences from participating in the program and how the intergenerational learning opportunities have benefited them.
Thank you Deloitte for giving back to seniors in our community!

Gerry, an 85-year-old musician and volunteer at the Perley and Rideau Veterans' Health Centre in Ottawa, tells us how Connected Canadians volunteers have helped him!
Thanks to Ottawa Community Foundation and all our supporters for making this programming possible!

Zubeda, a former Montessori Teacher living in Edmonton, Alberta tells us about her experience learning with Connected Canadians.
Thanks to the City of Ottawa and all our partners for making this programming possible!

Connected Canadians client Douglas, from London, Ontario, explains how Connected Canadians helps him continue to volunteer for the VONs during COVID-19.
Thanks to all of our supporters for making this programming possible.

Emilia is a Fourth Year Bachelor of Social Work Student at Algoma University.
She tells us about her experience working with older adults at Connected Canadians, and how social work values are embedded in everything we do.

Three years ago, Connected Canadians was born. Recognizing complementary expertise and commitment, Emily Jones Joanisse partnered with Tasneem Damen, and the passionate duo co-founded Connected Canadians; a non-profit dedicated to promoting digital literacy among older adults.
Thanks to an incredible group of volunteers and all our supporters we have had three incredible years.

It's amazing how our clients can inspire us with their life stories! Charles, a Connected Canadians client, is one of the founders of Hands of Hope in Winnipeg. Hands of Hope is a non-profit organization that has helped over 65,000 people in Canada since 2002, by providing furniture and other necessities to those in need.
Charles tells us about how Connected Canadians has helped him and his wife.

Client Doreen talks about her experience with Connected Canadians, and why she wants CC to open up a branch soon in the US!
Thanks to Rene Proulx for his video editing of this video, and to the New Horizons for Seniors Program for making this program possible.

To help her overcome Covid-19 challenges, technology mentor Jamie helped Janice become so good at Zoom that it earned her a job offer. It’s another inspiring story of how Connected Canadians helps to build digital literacy and technology know-how.
Thanks to the City of Ottawa and all our partners for making this programming possible.

A heart-warming story of how technology mentor Can helped art teacher Mary overcome a COVID-19 challenge. Mary learned to connect with elderly art enthusiasts using improved digital literacy skills and know-how.
During COVID-19 Connected Canadians has expanded its programs to serve seniors in a variety of different ways, helping to reduce isolation and loneliness amongst seniors.
Thanks to the City of Ottawa and all our partners for making this programming possible.

Martin, Lead at the South Winnipeg Seniors' Resource Centre tells us about how he brought in the Connected Canadians team to help him delivery a senior isolation / digital literacy project in his region, and how the CC team contributed to overall project success.
Thanks to the City of Ottawa and all our partners for making this programming possible.

Nancy, from the South Winnipeg Seniors' Resource Centre tells us about why she signed up for help and her experience of learning digital skills with Connected Canadians mentor Ken.
Thanks to the City of Ottawa and all of our partners for making this programming possible.

Joan from Newfoundland talks about how learning Zoom with her Connected Canadians technology mentor allowed her to connect with family when it was most important, and how digital literacy skills help to ease loneliness during COVID.
Thanks to the City of Ottawa and all our partners for making this programming possible.

Azra, Recreation Manager at Olde Forge Community Resource Centre in Ottawa tells us about how Connected Canadians has made a difference in the lives of seniors in their community, helping them access community resource centre programming on their own devices.
Thanks to all of our partners for making this programming possible.

Rebekah, Spiritual Care Coordinator at Bruyère Continuing Care in Ottawa talks how her role changed since the onset of COVID-19 and the work the Connected Canadians has done with the volunteer community at Bruyère, helping to keep elderly volunteers and patients connected.
Thanks to the City of Ottawa, Ottawa Community Foundation and all our partners for making this programming possible.

Connected Canadians launched an initial trial of our tablet-lending program in May 2020, here is one of the stories of one of the first recipients.
Thanks to Ruckify for organizing a community device-donation drive, which resulted in several iPads for Connected Canadians clients, including Robert.
Thanks to the City of Ottawa and all our partners for making this programming possible.

At Connected Canadians, we offer tech help for seniors.
82-year old Connected Canadians Client Robin, of the Royal Canadian Air Force, tells his story.

At Connected Canadians, we offer tech support for seniors.
In November 2018, Connected Canadians held its official launch party, sponsored by Facebook.

At Connected Canadians, we offer tech information for seniors.
Our Feedback and Evaluation Coordinator Mona tells us about her role at Connected Canadians.

At Connected Canadians, we offer tech training for seniors.
Sergiana, who was an IT Professor in Brazil, tells why she chooses to volunteer her time with Connected Canadians.

At Connected Canadians, we offer technology help for seniors.
Dorothy, the most regular client of Connected Canadians, explains why she finds the services Connected Canadians provides, useful.

At Connected Canadians, we offer technology information for seniors.
Learn about how i-Sight volunteers took time out of their day to help seniors become more digitally literate, through company-sponsored volunteer time.

At Connected Canadians, we offer digital literacy training for seniors.

At Connected Canadians, we offer technology workshops for seniors.