
Did you Know...?


Seniors in Canada have outnumbered youth since 2016, with 16.9% of the Canadian population being over the age of 65. By 2031, this number is expected to rise to nearly 25%. There are 20% more women than men above the age of 65, and twice as many women above the age of 80. 1 Historically, women of previous generations were not encouraged to pursue STEM related studies and activities. As a result, many older women in our society do not have a high comfort level with modern technology.


While Connected Canadian's mandate is to serve all Canadians regardless of gender, the "We Can Help Your Mom" campaign focuses on digital literacy for older women in our society: our mothers, aunts, grandmothers, sisters, our friends. An estimated 80% of our clientele are older women.

Want to help? We're launching a training program with a group of qualified volunteers, if you'd like to be part of this effort we'd love to hear from you!